Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Plume of Sanity

I have been chained in a significant hiatus. I didn't know if I should write...or maybe simply didnt know what to write.

Life can sometimes tame the mind so tames it so much to the point that it becomes overly sate and satisfied...then comes adamancy and disillusion.

There is a lot to learn and know about life. So much to jot down for it to be considered significant enough. But, I guess the will sometimes finds its self wandering in lost space and complicated perplexity. The will is then laid aside...left to rot in sheer disgust and complacency.

I am just not ready yet to give it all up though. I still have a soupcon of trust in me. I have to move on...move forward to truth and proactive sensibility. I will once again soar on to greater heights...heights of profundity i left unassumed and undiscovered.

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